วันเสาร์ที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
There are many things to do to attract businesses large adolescent population that buys the products for themselves and as gifts. Besides offering a workshop or Chocolate Skateboards Alien may seem a new idea, it was shown that the marketing is most successful with this age group by more traditional methods. These methods include Internet marketing, TV commercials, celebrities and shippers catalog.
Most young people spend a tremendous amount of timeComputer, surfing the Internet, on Facebook and receive e-mail to a friend. Usually, they are exposed to hundreds of display devices at the top and sides of Web pages. These ads are a way in which enterprises have found positive opportunities for the product or promotional advertising. Another way is through individual blogs where people discuss and vote really taste the new products, features and performance. A third way to connect with teenagers on the Internet through their Facebook pages. Children may submit links andInformation on new products to your list of friends with one click. This simple action can be a significant increase in the popularity of a product very quickly.
On television have always been an excellent marketing tool for all age groups of consumers. To target the adolescent population has a business to run their ads on channels like Bravo, MTV, VH1 and FOX. These channels of programming is concentrated in adolescence and after twenty years. GreatFor example, it would be for a company to manage your ads for a show like American Idol. Although it is very expensive in advertising during prime time programs are run, exposure to this age group is immense. Coca-Cola is a great defender of American Idol and manages advertising with young people to do things and play music, which is full to their specific age group. Adolescents are a consumer product, Coca-Cola will be launched at these points.
CelebrityAnnotations are very successful and important marketing tools used by companies to attract young people. The list of famous people, clothes, perfumes, shoes, video games and restaurants, long and growing. Two examples of celebrities who sell their products successfully in the adolescent population are Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez. These two musicians at the beginning, the majority of young people through their music on the radio. Spears now sells millions of bottlesPerfume for the fans himself. Jennifer Lopez walked away, "Jenny On The Block" in the song, with the legacy of millions of girls in jeans, tight shirts and belt. This large counter-marketing to increase spending on young artists and music to make money in other areas like music.
Finally, users of the catalog are a great way to maintain and increase awareness of new products for growing boys. A company that has been very successful in this type of marketing is Pottery Barn Teen.Their catalog is the development of young people, how to set their style rooms, games room and compartments. Their catalog is also a fantastic job of guiding the young people before entering university. The catalog pages will include the operating room furniture and accessories that set the trend, modern and well for this age group.